
Queen’s Award for Voluntary Services

Rochdale & Bury Bridleways Association

has been recognised by the Queen in her Birthday Honours List and has won a Queen’s Award for Voluntary Services, the group equivalent of an MBE.

As part of the Award two members of RBBA were invited to a garden party at Buckingham Palace.

Information about the Award winners will be published in The London Gazette on 2nd June 2017. This will be accessible on-line.

Later in the year, at a presentation in Manchester, RBBA will receive a signed certificate from the Queen, an English Crystal with the QVAS logo insignia and permission to use the QAVS Logo on all correspondence. The Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester will be making the presentation.

Sid Calderbank


A date for your diary

Sid Calderbank will be at the next Norden & District Local History Society meeting on Monday 5th June 2017 at 7:00pm, Norden Bowling Club, Trinity Street, Norden.

“Sid Calderbank a TV & Radio broadcaster & Dialect historian brings us the songs, stories and poems of the time to tell how we survived the American Civil War.”

The cost is £2 per person.

You can find out more by calling Val Corns on 07812 447 460.

Neighbourhood Plan – Have YOUR say!

A paper copy of our questionnaire is being delivered to all households in our Neighbourhood Area.

Please take the time to read, complete and return the form. RMNF is a registered charity and it has been formed to help protect our area and to provide the opportunity to maintain and improve it. The purpose of the questionnaire is to allow local people the opportunity to say what they like (or dislike) about our area and to make suggestions about how it might be improved working in conjunction with Rochdale Council. Recent works undertaken on our bridleway’s, the new cattle grid, the repairs to Prickshaw Dam and the improvements that have taken place at Catley Lane Head have all been encouraged via the Neighbourhood Forum.

The questionnaire is an important part of ‘the way forward’. The results will be analysed and the wishes, aspirations and concerns of local people will be fed back via a Neighbourhood Plan which should then form part of the Council’s core strategy.

Once you have completed the form please either drop it off at the address on the returns envelope or pop it in the post.

If you would like any assistance completing this questionnaire please contact Alan Rawsterne on 07970715904 or email to:

You can download more copies of the questionnaire here or, if you prefer, complete it online.

Please complete your questionnaire by Friday 30th June 2017

Once analysis is complete we will publish the results probably sometime towards the end of August or the beginning of September.

Neighbourhood Plan – Have YOUR say!

Have YOUR say about the future of our area!

Volunteers of our forum’s Neighbourhood Plan Group have produced the attached community questionnaire and in the coming weeks we are going to send two copies to each household to give the opportunity for everyone to record their views.

Please help maximise its potential by expressing YOUR views.

Please fill in this questionnaire, it is anonymous and will be used to understand what the community opinion as a whole is. This then provides the basis for the Draft Plan as a reflection of the consensus views of the residents.

You can download and print a copy of the questionnaire here or complete the questionnaire online.

If you would like any assistance completing this questionnaire please contact Alan Rawsterne on 07970715904 or email to:

Please complete your questionnaire by Friday 30th June 2017

Rooley Moor Walk – Thurs 4th May

Rooley Moor – Scenic Walk

On Thursday 4th May our forum vice chair, Roy Thorniley, invites you to join him for a leisurely short evening walk.

Start time: 7pm, meet at the plaque by the cattle grid at Catley Lane Head

Distance: 4 miles, no stiles or gates.

Walk time: Approximately 90 minutes

Route: From the cattle grid at Catley Lane Head we make a steady climb up the Cotton Famine Road to the Rossendale Way at Windy Hillock. Turning south we take the footpath high above the Naden and Greenbooth Reservoirs with great views all around. Down to Forsyth Brow and around the north side of Hunger Hill (up to the mast and trig point for those that fancy it and if time and weather permits) then back to Catley Lane Head before dark.

Parking is limited near the cattle grid so you may have to park on the approach to Rooley Moor Road and walk up.

If you fancy joining in, all you need to do is just turn up.


Spring Clean – Update

Catley Lane Head Spring Clean – Saturday 22nd April 2017

Thanks to Nick & Margaret Green for organising a fantastic day and thanks to everyone involved! We couldn’t have done it without you, the help and support of Rochdale Council and those people who loaned the digger and dump truck.

We bagged approximately one and a half tons of rubbish and filled the dump truck three times with soil and leaf mould from the side of the road, each load was about three tons in weight!

Please let us know if you’d like to do something similar in other parts of our area.


David Olusoga – Honorary President

Honorary President of Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum

David Olusoga, the historian and broadcaster who put the Cotton Famine Road on the map in BBC2’s Black and British: A Forgotten History, has agreed to be the Honorary President of Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum.

I’m sure you will agree this is fantastic news. Having David associated with our forum will help us to build on his good work by protecting and sharing the history and recreational value of our area.

See a related article on Rochdale On Line