
RMNF Neighbourhood Plan – Update

Hi Everyone,

Just to let you know the RMNF trustees have reviewed all the comments made during the “pre-submission consultation” and our unanimous decision was to make some slight changes and to submit the Plan to the Local Planning Authority (Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council), which has now been done.

During the review it became apparent from some of the comments that a small number of people have misunderstood the role of our forum in planning.

Our forum DOES NOT make planning decisions – This has always been done by the local planning authority – Please see the “Planning Decision Process” map below, which is an existing process; the only difference being that if the Plan is adopted, it would be included in the process.

Our Forum DOES NOT make new legislation. The Plan wording is merely a reflection of the majority view of people in the community. The policies are taken from existing legislation and reflect the communities view in a form of words that are acceptable for the Plan, if adopted, to form part of Rochdale’s Local Plan.

Next Steps. The Plan will now go to the October Township meeting where the Township Committee will either approve or decline having the Local Planning Authority publicise the Plan for another six weeks and arranging an independent examination. It would be great if as many people as possible from our community could attend this meeting and we will let you know the date as soon as it is available. This meeting will also be a great opportunity for people to have their say if they support or object to the Plan.

The examination process is an independent check carried out by an Inspector appointed by government. If certain ‘basic conditions’ are met, the Plan can go to a local ‘Referendum’ for approval. When the referendum takes place, if 50% or more of those who vote support the Plan it can be declared ‘made’ and it becomes part of the statutory Local Plan and will be included for the process of determination for planning applications and appeals in our area.

We hope you agree we are fortunate to have RMNF, a registered charity, focused on benefiting the area in which we live. If the Plan is adopted our forum will be in a great position to consider delivering some of the projects identified in the Plan. A charity is very different from a commercial organisation, all trustee time and effort is given for free, no trustee should have any personal gain from forum activities and members of the forum, YOU, are best place to direct forum activities by telling us what is important to the majority of people in the area.

Another great benefit of the forum is that we are a consultee to planning applications in, or affecting our area. This doesn’t stop individuals making their own representations in the usual manner and where an application is outside the scope of our neighbourhood plan (if adopted), forum trustees are able to arrange meetings to seek the views of the community and feed that information back through the consultation process. The forum is also able to seek expert advice on particular matters.

We hope you support our neighbourhood forum and Plan and we look forward to seeing you at our next AGM that will be in late August or early September, we’ll let you know the date soon as it is available.

Copies of the submitted plan and consultation statement can be found on the home page of our website.

Kind regards,


Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Forum Trustees

RMNF Proud To Support In Bloom

RMNF is proud to provide financial support to the Catley Lane Head “In Bloom” initiative. When the “In Bloom” initiative was first suggested, RMNF trustees sought and gained agreement to use some of the funds donated to our forum by DQAG. Our thanks go to those members of the DQAG who approved the donation.

Helen and Elaine write:

Dear Neighbours,

You may have noticed we have begun to tidy up our lovely village in readiness for our first entry in the Rochdale In Bloom competition. We are entered in the “Neighbourhood” category.

Judging day is not yet confirmed but SHOULD be around the beginning of July.

You will have seen us around the village (two women with grey hair in gloves . . Felicity and sidekick!).

The next step is to involve as many of you, our neighbours, in the spirit of “In Bloom” who feel willing and able to help. It’s infectious, many of you have begun and have already put up hanging baskets, window boxes and cleared flags and paths.

If anyone else would like help with putting up new baskets and boxes, please let us know ASAP – we have a man with a drill!

We also have spare top soil.

If you have any questions (or of course things that you are unhappy with) do let us know.

We ask for some extra help with some final weeding and cutting back and plan a whole village attack with a working party on Saturday 16th June 1000 to 1200 – Meet at the cattle grid.

Please bring yourself and weapons if you can spare us some time.

Finally, we would like to thank the following kind sponsors to date:

  • David Brierley – Fernhill Bed and Breakfast
  • Graham Brierley – Brownhill Farm
  • Alan Moore – Spring Court Auto Centre
  • Jon Meek – Jon Meek Transport Ltd
  • Joe Brierley – Indépendant Agricultural Contractor


Helen and Elaine (1 & 13 Smallshaw Rd)

Equestrian Rendezvous

Horse riders from Rossendale, Wardle , Bury, Bolton and Rochdale descended on Catley Lane Head on Rooley Moor Road for this year’s Pennine Rendezvous held on 27th May.

The brainchild of The National Federation of Bridleways Associations (NFBA), this annual get-together occurs in different areas of The Pennines and this year it was the turn of Rochdale and Bury Bridleways Association to be the hosts.

The idea of the event is to highlight the importance of bridleways and byways to horse riders as safe off-road areas to ride and to show riders routes they can use outside of their normal riding area.

This year’s event was blessed with superb weather. Each particpant was awarded a rosette by The Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester, Warren Smith. Cosima Towneley, the chair of NFBA, introduced the Lord Lieutenant and described the aims of the event.

The rosettes celebrated the 70th anniversary of The British Horse Society which was founded in 1947 and were also to mark that May is Ride Out UK Month 2018 which is all about raising awareness of off-road riding and the need to protect and restore multi-user routes across the UK.

The event raised £155 for North West Air Ambulance.

Spotland & Falinge In Bloom – Events

Thank you to everybody who has been involved to date, we have some of the best green space in Rochdale, from Rooley Moor to Falinge Park, and everywhere in between. Our community spirit is evidenced by just how many people have contributed to make Spotland & Falinge look so fantastic by working together, not just for the In Bloom competition, but for all who live and work here. We have an amazing community.

Our wards contribution to this years Rochdale In Bloom competition is progressing well. The first judging date is the earliest it’s ever been on 3rd and 4th July!  We need your help to pull together our entries and get them into excellent condition for the judges.

The first planned event is this Monday 28 May from 10am, where we will be helping the residents of Alice Ingham Court on Ings Lane boost their IYN entry, please come along with some gloves and a spade.

Throughout the next several weeks we need as many people as possible to come together to maintain the route, report problems, pick-up litter, etc. ideally once a week.  The route brings the judges down Edenfield Road, through Denehurst Park, out onto Sandy Lane to the Wonderwall, before progressing along Sandy Lane and out of our ward onto Roch Valley Way.  This activity will be especially important in the days leading up to judging.  Please get in touch if you are able to participate in any way at all.

If you can help in any way at all, or need more details please contact Phil Massey on: 07917 417500


In Bloom Twitter

In Bloom Facebook

Below is the full list of currently planned events:

Monday 28 May: 10:00 until Noon

Event: In Bloom IYN – Alice Ingham Court – Volunteers to help boost the entry (we may also spend some time on the Rochdale AFC Wonderwall if possible)
Location: Alice Ingham Court, Ings Lane/Lisbon Street, OL12 7AP

Thursday 31 May: 19:00

Event: Spotland & Falinge Area Fourm
Location: Spotland Methodist Church, Rooley Moor Road

Monday 11 June: 17:30

Event: Spotland & Falinge In Bloom Meeting
Location: Spotland Library

Thursday 14 June: 18:30 – 20:00

Event: Wonderwall Summer Planting Session
Location: Rochdale AFC Wonderwall, Sandy Lane

Sunday 24 June: 13:00

Event: Bloom-IngSpotland Urban Walking Trail Opening Day
Location: Next to Spotland Library

Tuesday 3 July – Wednesday 4 July

Event: Rochdale In Bloom Regional Judging
Location: Borough wide

Thursday 9 August

Event: Rochdale In Bloom National Judging
Location: Boroughwide

Thursday 23 August: 19:00

Event: Spotland & Falinge Area Forum
Location: Spotland Methodist Church, Rooley Moor Road

EVERY WEDNESDAY: 10:00 until Noon

Event: Denehurst Park Gardening Volunteer Session
Location: Denehurst Park

General Data Protection Regulation

One of the biggest changes to UK data privacy law comes into effect on 25th May 2018.
The General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR for short) is a really positive step towards you having more control over how your data is used and how you’re contacted. The changes will also help to better protect your personal data. We have updated our privacy policy to reflect these changes, which you can find here.
As part of these changes, you may soon find organisations asking you how you would like to be contacted. Like many other organisations we have chosen to rely on what the new legislation calls “legitimate interest”. This means we undertake to keep you informed of forum activities by email, which includes advice on how you can opt out at any time. You can also choose how to receive communication from us by registering on our website, or if you are already resisted, by updating your details –
To make sure you’re ready to make your choices, we’ve created a handy guide that will help explain the changes and what they mean for you.
Add us to your address book to make sure you receive our emails.
You may have seen GDPR in the headlines, or perhaps organisations have already contacted you? Here we take a closer look at GDPR and what it means for you:
  1. It’s the biggest change to UK data privacy law in 20 years – Thanks to technological advances the amount of personal data being generated is rapidly increasing – every time you shop online, use your favourite app or ‘like’ a photo on Facebook you generate data – which is why the law needs updating to better protect people. As part of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) organisations have to review how they manage all personal data – from email addresses to bank details – and ensure they are GDPR-ready by 25th May 2018.
  2. It will give you more control over your personal data- GDPR is all about giving you more control on how your personal data is used. You’ll have greater visibility and control over the personal data organisations hold about you – whether it’s something as simple as your name, or as complex and sensitive as medical information. This means you can have greater confidence that information about you is accurate, up-to-date and properly managed.
  3. You can choose who contacts you, and how – You’ll probably notice a lot of organisations asking for your consent so they can contact you about offers, products or services they think you’ll find useful or interesting. To comply with GDPR, these requests need to be really clear and straightforward. You get to choose who contacts you and how, for example by email, social media or phone.
  4. You can change your mind at any time – If you give an organisation permission to contact you, it doesn’t mean you can’t change your mind in the future. Under the new rules, it should be easier to update your preferences on what you want to receive and how.
  5. Your data will be better protected – GDPR also aims to make sure that all organisations holding personal data have the right processes in place to protect it. Organisations who put customer data at risk will face hefty penalties.
What happens next?
As a member of RMNF, you can choose how you‘d like to receive updates from us by registering on our website –
Your personal data is in safe hands with RMNF
  • We use your personal data to contact you with information about our neighbourhood forum and area that is relevant, useful and timely.
  • We respect your privacy and work hard to ensure we meet strict regulatory requirements.
  • We DO NOT sell your personal data to third parties.

RMNF – 2018 Calendar of Events


  • Friday 4th May – Neighbourhood plan pre-submission consultation ends
  • Saturday 12th May – Prickshaw and Catley Lane Head village clean up. From 10am to Noon for litter picking and a general tidy up
  • Sunday 13th May – Whitworth Skyline Walk will include the Cotton Famine Road and pass down Knacks Lane and through Prickshaw to the finish at Lobden Golf Club
  • Friday 25th May – General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into force.
  • Sunday 27th May – NFBA Annual Rendezvous Ride – Catley Lane Head, 12:30pm in “Win’s Field”. Cosima Towneley (Mary Towneley’s daughter) will be at the event and Rosettes will be presented by The Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester, Warren Smith. The ride will also raise money for North West Air Ambulance

June & July

  • In Bloom – June & July will be bursting with planting projects to bring dazzling colour our area ready for Rochdale in Bloom.
    • Catley Lane Head theme: “Our Natural Neighbourhood” to include:
  • 4 half barrels, sponsored by local businesses, at the following points:
  1. Fern Hill entrance
  2. Centre of village at the old phone box, will include a refurbished Victorian bench
  3. By the side of the BBC Cotton Famine sign, and
  4. The corner of Smallshaw Road
  • Plans also include:
    • Agricultural themed planting on the hill by Brown Hill Farm
    • Children’s fairy garden at the side of the refurbished bench detailed above (local children and parents will take charge of this)
  • Feature planting around:
    • The water trough well, opposite the Doldrums, “Well Dressing“ with Willow and plants, and
    • At the steps to the footpath alongside the site of the old chapel where a rustic cross will be in place to remember site
    • Willow ornaments to walls and trees and planters
    • The bus terminus turning circle – There’s a large tree trunk across from the Black dog on the corner of Caldershaw estate. We think it would make a great feature at the old bus stop – People and tractor power needed to move – Can anyone help?
  • Friday 22 Jun to Sunday 24 Jun – The Great Get Together


  • Rochdale Township in Bloom Judging Day (Dates TBA)

RMNF is a registered charity No. 1165601. We welcome donations to help run our organisation and various projects. To make a donation, please follow the instructions on the “Donate” page of our website:

A Timeless Landscape

Elizabeth White, “A Timeless Landscape” – Images of the Pennines includes the Cotton Famine Road. Elizabeth is launching her exhibition at Hollingworth Lake TIC, starting this Saturday 28th April, Elizabeth will be there from 2-3.30 on Sunday.

Neighbourhood Plan “Drop In” Event – Saturday 21st April 2018

Our neighbourhood plan consultation “drop in” event is on Saturday 21st April 2018 between 10am and 2pm at Spotland Methodist Church, Rooley Moor Road, Rochdale OL12 7ES.
We can discuss any ideas, issues or concerns you might have about the plan before it is submitted to the council for consideration. We’ll also be available to discuss our HLF and In Bloom projects.

Why a Neighbourhood Forum, Area & Plan?

When you review the plan it’s worth remembering:
  • Our forum was formed in response to a number of aggressive planning applications that would have significantly affected our neighbourhood area.
  • Our neighbourhood plan is intended to be helpful by letting developers know, upfront, what the people who live in the area want for the area. The plan reflects the views of all the people who responded to our detailed survey and includes “Character Areas” and “Important Views” that, together with the conservation areas, contribute to making the whole of the Rooley Moor Neighbourhood Area a special place to live, work and enjoy recreational pursuits.
  • Our neighbourhood forum status allows us to interact with the planning process in a way that could not be achieved by any individual. I.E. as a consultee.
  • Our neighbourhood plan doesn’t stop development, it simply asks for the majority view of our community to be taken into consideration.
  • There are a number of other initiatives, outside of the neighbourhood plan, which promote the history & heritage of our area and complement the recreational amenities our area provides. Namely:
    • Heritage Lottery Fund “Shared Heritage” project
    • In Bloom, and the
    • Equestrian “rendezvous” event scheduled for Sunday 27th May 2018
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Charity Theatre Night

Shaw Playhouse Theatre – Monday 16 April.

The play being performed is “Bully Boy” which was written by Sandi Toksvig and has had fantastic reviews and standing ovations at other performances across the Country.

Tickets are just £9 each and can be ordered/purchased from Bev Place – or telephone 07791 172012.

All proceeds will go directly to Rochdale Connections Trust.